What is CRUD?

CRUD basically means Create, Read, Update and Delete, the application that can provide all these funcationality can be called as CRUD application. CRUD are the basic funcationalities of a full stack application. But the best part is that the data we create, read, update and delete is available globally rather then just in your system. we use API methods to make it possible. Let's explore about these methods in more details.

Create: The purpose of this method is to create a data in the database. For example whenever you enter a new application/website you enter your details, those details are send over to the server or database of that application by create. The Api method "POST" help us to create a new element in database, for example the name that user put in starting of an application goes to database by POST method.

Read: The purpose of Read is to fetch out the data from the website and present it to the user. For example You looking for food options on zomato they came by Read. The API method "GET" fetch the real time data from website and deliver it to user's screen.

Update: The update method is basically their for doing minor changes in the data already available on the database. For example if a user want to change some information like his age, some date can be easily done buy using "PUT" API method. This will change data in the database and by using a GET method after PUT we can get the new data back, their are other methods for this too but let's talk about that in future.

Delete: The name of this method tells it's funcationality the "DELETE" API method is used to delete some amount of data you want.

Basically these four methods are used to make any kind of full stack application, they all have to deal with data in realtime so by knowing about the CRUD methods we are easily able to build whatever kind of applications we want, cause now we know how to handle the main funcationality and how it works.